First Principles

In search of the Unified Theory of Conservatism

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Ron Paul Out

June 13th, 2008 · No Comments

Thank God.

I was worried – Paul would have been to McCain what Nader was to Gore.  And their black ops delegate recruiting efforts at state conventions nation wide would have been a slap in the face to the millions who voted in the primaries, but didn’t have the time to devote to all of the local and state conventions.  As it is, their separate Minneapolis “convention” can serve no purpose this year except to help get Barack Obama elected, which is why I have such disdain and irritation for the Paulestineans.  Even if you don’t like McCain, Obama has everything you don’t like about the Arizona senator to the 4th degree, with a healthy dollop of pure, unvarnished socialism heaped up on top. Refusing to make a choice between the two imperfect but realistic and very different options isn’t principled, it’s childish.

Now maybe the Paul people can make themselves useful and start fielding themselves as GOP candidates for the state legislature, at least the next time.  It’s too bad they spent all their time, money, and efforts on a quixotic and doomed-from-the-start federal presidential bid first and formeost, instead of focusing their grass roots efforts on the state level where they actually could have accomplished something, especially here in Nevada.  If they had thought a little further ahead, maybe we wouldn’t be facing a veto-proof Democratic majority in the Assembly next year, in no small part because of all the Dems running unopposed in historically conservative districts.

Ironic, really, that a “revolution” supposedly so worshipful of the Constitution would almost completely ignore local government.  But then, as Ron Paul himself is always quick to point out, a political movement that forgets its own principles is doomed to failure.

Tags: Campaign '08 · Ron Paul