First Principles

In search of the Unified Theory of Conservatism

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A Ridiculously Unserious Budget Debate

March 30th, 2011 · No Comments

Via Don Surber, here’s a graph from the Washington Post which demonstrates just how completely, utterly insane the current budget debate in Washington, DC is.  Just keep scrolling:

Keep in mind that this budget deficit is just for this year.  That’s only $300 Billion (give or take) less than the entirety of federal spending in FY 2000 – you know, back when the liberals claim liberalism balanced the budget.  (I tell you what, liberals who complain that this is all the fault of those nasty Bush Tax Cuts – I’ll wholeheartedly agree to Clinton-era tax rates as soon as Democrats get on board with Clinton-era spending levels.)

And this is just a single year.  It was the same last year, without any spending cuts.  And our total debt is over nine times more than this.

It is not the more conservative Republicans who are extreme, no matter what Chuck Schumer was instructed to say.  This debt is extreme.  Current spending levels are extreme.  The damage to to the future will, in fact, be extreme, and a government shutdown now will be the very, very, very least of our problems if we don’t start getting serious about our budget debates and start making some REAL spending cuts.

Legislators in both parties need to stop squabbling over a few billion here and there and start getting serious.  The current debate is like fighting tooth and nail over which band-aid size to put on a patient who lost an arm and is bleeding to death.

Tags: Deficits and Debt