First Principles

In search of the Unified Theory of Conservatism

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Bumper Stickers

August 24th, 2008 · No Comments

hippy bumper sticker laden carThe hippy freak-fest that is Burning Man officially starts here in Northern Nevada tomorrow, and I’ve decided to celebrate the occasion by rolling out a new feature here at First Principles that I’ve been toying with for awhile.

When I lived in Seattle, hippy bumper stickers abounded.  Most of them were ridiculous, but they often sparked interesting conversations (most of them mocking, to be sure, but fun nonetheless).  Some fully angered me, some made me laugh, and others were just plain baffling.

But I think the thing that really fascinates me is the psychology behind the people with the stickers.  Do they really think they’re changing minds?  Are they?  Who really thinks wisdom can be made to fit on a 4″x12″ sticker?  On the other hand, are there times when that little sticky sound bite really can capture something profound?

And why is it that if you drive a car so crappy that you can cover it with stickers and not really care, you simultaneously believe anyone should take you seriously?

Well, we’ll see, and we’ll have a good time doing it.  If you, all 20 or so of my Dear Readers, happen across particularly amusing ones, feel free to snap a picture and send it along.

Tags: Bumper Stickers