First Principles

In search of the Unified Theory of Conservatism

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A Happy Loss

November 18th, 2008 · No Comments

So Ted Stevens has lost his Senate seat in Alaska, bringing the Democrats that much closer to a veto-proof supermajority.


It’s not, of course, that I’m glad for that much power concentrated in the Democratic Party.  But I’d much rather have the Senate belong to the Democrats 70 – 30 than to keep a corrupt, money wasting, non-conservative, convicted felon Republican.

Too bad Democrats can’t say the same.

I was disappointed in Alaskan Republicans for not taking care of this in the primaries.  But I’m glad enough of them split their general election ticket.  Ted Stevens wasn’t fit to serve.

I kind of wonder if Anchorage’ll re-name the airport

Another happy benefit is that Sarah Palin won’t be stuck appointing his successor, even for the 90 days before a special election would have to have been called.  Anyone she picked would have been raked over the coals in order to destroy her.  This allows that particular media firestorm more time to tamp down that much more.

If conservatism is to return from the wilderness, it needs to come back clean.  If it is to endure as a majority philosophy, is must stay that way.  A non-corrupt Republican would have won that seat.  That’s an important lesson to keep in mind for upcoming primaries nation-wide.

Tags: Congress · Republicans