First Principles

In search of the Unified Theory of Conservatism

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The Enemy

February 2nd, 2008 · 2 Comments

BAGHDAD (AP) – Two mentally retarded women strapped with remote-control explosives—and possibly used as unwitting suicide bombers—brought carnage Friday to two pet bazaars, killing at 73 people in the deadliest day since Washington flooded the capital with extra troops last spring.

This is the enemy. They strap bombs to women with Down’s Syndrome, women with no intelligent choice in the matter, and blow them up in the name of Allah. They think – they know – God is OK with this. This is evil in its purest form.

There is no better illustration of the foolishness of Americans and Europeans who think that if only we were nice enough to the Jihadists, they would leave us alone. The only way to deal with evil of this kind is to root it out wherever it hides, and kill every last supporter/perpetrator of it.

Tags: Iraq · War on Terror