First Principles

In search of the Unified Theory of Conservatism

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From “Muth’s Truths” E-mail, 16 NOV 11

November 18th, 2011 · No Comments


There’s a Republican activist up in Reno named Orrin Johnson who has his panties in a knot because I helped kill his cherished same-day registration scheme for next year’s GOP presidential caucus last month.  And now he’s trying to make a name for himself and exact his revenge by going to e-war with me – which, naturally, has earned him praise and adulation from “journalist” Jon Ralston.

Yesterday Orrin blogged about Assemblyman Richard McArthur’s recent press release in which he announced he was running for state Senate, writing that “Muth seems to actually be working for McArthur.”

“Seems.”  Which would be like me writing that “Orrin seems to actually be working for Ralston” – which, of course, he DOES seem to be doing.  But “seeming” doesn’t make something so.

In addition, Orrin alleges that our organization, Citizen Outreach, somehow broke some IRS regulation by sending out McArthur’s press release to our subscriber list.

Orrin’s pretty new to politics and is still a little wet behind the ears (as well as a little mushy between them), so let’s set the record straight on this since it’s a serious accusation…and then move on.

1.) I am not now, and have never been, a paid consultant to Richard McArthur. Should that situation ever change, I will most certainly disclose it, as appropriate, in future writings.

2.) I didn’t send out the press release in question; that was done by our CEO, Dan Burdish – who also is not now, nor ever has been, a paid consultant to Mr. McArthur.  I was driving home to Las Vegas from Carson City at the time the email was sent out.

3.) And finally, sending out a newsworthy press release from an elected legislator who chalked up our organization’s second highest conservative rating last year is, while certainly of interest to our supporters, not an endorsement.  However, if the time comes that we DO consider endorsing McArthur, or any other candidates, it will be done legally and rightfully through our PAC (that stands for “Political Action Committee,” Orrin).

We now return you to our regular programming……


[The rest of the E-mail was cropped, but the relevant portion is cut-and-pasted above in its entirety, for the purpose of reaction and discussion.  Ordinarily I would simply link back to a website I was discussing, but that wasn’t possible here.  — OJ]

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