First Principles

In search of the Unified Theory of Conservatism

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What A Time For The Computer To Be Sick!

August 26th, 2008 · 3 Comments

So much going on, so much to blog about, and there was my laptop, getting its screen fixed.  Burning Man, Biden, The Olympics…  Argh!  Oh well, it’s back now, and after watching Hillary give her tepid, second-thought-esque endorsement of Obama, I’m starting to get really excited and confident about this election.  In the meantime, a couple of random thoughts:

  • If I hear about the “18 million cracks in the glass ceiling” one more time, I think I might crack.  Has a cliched meme ever gotten so tired so fast?  Setting aside the dubious nature of that ceiling’s existence, is that really the only thing they could come up with to describe Hillary’s supporters?
  • Does it mean anything that Burning Man is the same week as the Democrats’ National Convention?
  • Speaking of, if Burning Man is all about freedom, why is there a fence?  (H/T to the wife for that one.)
  • Also, if their guiding principles include “gifting” and “decommodification,”  why do they charge $295 just to get through the gate?
  • Back to the DNC, couldn’t they have saved a lot of carbon emissions by using curtains as the backdrops instead of the 3 biggest high def TVs in history?  Somehow, past conventions did OK without them.  But if you really need the big video, what’s wrong with a projector?

More to come, as always.

Tags: Burning Man · Democrats