First Principles

In search of the Unified Theory of Conservatism

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Does This Count as Torture?

April 13th, 2009 · 1 Comment

I don’t know.  But if it does, sign me up.

During his captivity, US marines forced Saddam, who was executed in 2006, to repeatedly watch the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer And Uncut, which shows him as gay, as well as the boyfriend of Satan.


I’m sure somewhere, someone is outraged by this news, and considers it some kind of deprivation of Saddam’s civil rights.  I’m sure in some circles, it’s proof positive of the depravity of the United States Military under the war criminal Bush.

Personally, I think a litle ridicule against the kind of megalomania that’s responsible for the death of tens of thousands of people is a good thing.  As long as the Marines stopped short of doing the Clockwork Orange thing, I lose no sleep over it.

Upon hearing the news by way of receiving a signed picture of the now headless dictator, the South Park guys had this to say:

[Matt] Stone, 37, said both he and [Trey] Parker, 39, were most proud of the signed Saddam photo, given to them by the US Army’s 4th Infantry Division.

He said: “We’re very proud of our signed Saddam picture and what it means. Its one of our biggest highlights.

And proud they deserve to be.  I just wish more people in Hollywood were willing to make movies with real bad guys as bad guys, instead of lame Republican government conspiracies or corporate evildoers.

At least we have Team America for Kim Jong Il.

Tags: Foreign Policy · Hollywood · Iraq · Movies · Silliness