The Wisconsin Legislature is preparing for disaster! I wonder if they could rent out Dick Cheney’s old Secret Bunker…
The [Wisconsin] Legislature is getting ready to pass a bill that allows lawmakers to designate secret successors. The bill would allow each legislator to name three to seven successors. They would come into play if an enemy attack leaves nine or more vacancies in the Senate or 25 or more vacancies in the Assembly.
Wow. You lose one quarterback and everyone loses their minds…
Seriously, though, the delusional self-importance of these folks has to make one worry. I mean honestly – if half the state legislature suddenly disappeared, and no one was told about it, how long would it take for the average citizen to actually notice? The biggest problem would be in renewing appropriations, but that could be solved by adding a provision that if the “attack” came, funding would be extending in the same amount as the previously passed budget bill until a legislative quorum could be reconstituted.
But, of course, that wouldn’t jive with their lofty self-images as the vital protectors of the people!
When state legislatures start to think they’re really this consequential, you know government is way too damned big – or is about to be!
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which provided for the formation of Wisconsin, requires representative legislature. Should cirumstances arise such that Wisconsin not have said legislature I argue that they are in violation and, therefore, subject to Federal authority.
The Federal government may than reacquire the territory of Wisconsin until a new governing bodybe assembled. Having thusly failed in their attempt at self-governance I believe allowing Wisconsin a second attempt would prove folly. Therefore, a commission created by the States of Minnesota, Illinois, and Michigan should be held to divide and re-apportion the territory.
I humbly offer my support to the Governor of the Great State of Minnesota in the services of a Volunteer Militia to enforce these actions, should the need arise.
A commitee won’t get anything done. I suggest Minnesota alone. In addition, we’ll need a Navy- or we can wait until winter. Either way.